Straightforward Fee Schedule, No Contract, Monthly Billing

Pre-K to 5th grade
Private Atlanta Tutors
Elementary school teacher certification or training
Minimum session length: one hour
Reading specialists, some OG-trained

Middle School
One-on-One Atlanta Tutors
Any middle school subject or general homework help
First lesson guarantee
Minimum session length: one hour

High School and College Private Atlanta Tutors
Any subject, $65/hr. AP and IB courses, $75/hr
We can assign multiple tutors for different subjects
Tutors are usually college grads or young professionals

Special Programs
10-hr SAT/ACT Prep, $695 (one hour: $75)
IEP Advocacy, $95/hr
Executive Function Assessment, $35
Homeschool Support, 8+ hrs/wk, $40-60/hr
Atlanta Tutor Pricing Policies
It has always been our guiding policy to be easy to work with. No complicated system of buying batches of hours in advance. Simply use our tutors as much or as little as you need; stop anytime.
No registration fee
We do want clients to register before the first session. You will review our policies and pay for the first hour by credit card.
First lesson guarantee
Simple monthly billing
Stop tutoring at any time
This is the beauty of working with us. You are not locked into any commitment at all. When you no longer need our services, simply tell your tutor, or if that is at all awkward for you, simply call us.
What payment methods do you accept?
You may pay online using any major credit card — Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express — as well as PayPal, Venmo and Zelle. You may also send a check or use your bank’s online billpay.
Can you just automatically charge my credit card each month?
Yes, we will be happy to. We will send you an invoice early each month, give you at least 7 days to review it for accuracy, after which we will charge your credit card on file.
Can't I pay the tutor directly after each lesson?
Please don’t. That’s our value to our tutors: we bring them clients and we handle the money side. We pay them, you pay us.
Why have I been charged? The last tutoring session was weeks ago.
We bill monthly in arrears. The tutors have until the end of the month to report their hours. We send your invoice early in the following month, then give you a week or more to review the invoice, then charge your card. So sometimes you may have had your last session early in the month, say May 1. We will not bill until about June 4 or 5, and then charge your card a week to 10 days later, say June 15. So you can see why there may be a big gap between your last session and finally being charged. Never hesitate to call us for clarification about a bill or charge.
How can I review all my lessons and payments?
You may access our online portal at any time. This lists all payments and invoices. Feel free to email us for a statement too.
Should I tip my tutor?
Please don’t. We pay our tutors fairly and there is no need to supplement their income! One exception might be a small holiday gift to a long-serving tutor, but that’s not expected and totally up to you.
Can my child's classmate sit in on the tutoring session?
Yes, at a discounted 50% rate for the second student. So if you are paying $60/hr, we’d charge you $90/hr for both students at once. Please think hard about the wisdom of this. We are great believers in one-on-one tutoring. Often the second student moves at a faster pace, and your child may be too embarrassed to tell the tutor they are not keeping up.
I have twins in 4th grade. Can they be tutored together?
Yes, that’s OK, we will not charge you extra. But in general when there are two children (siblings or friends), the second child is charged at 50%. However, to keep the single child rate, it is fine to split the hour between the two children, i.e. 30 minutes for each child back to back. Or, for 45 minutes for one child and 30 mins for the younger one, we would charge you for 1 hour 15 mins. After the one hour minimum, we charge in increments of 15 minutes.
What if the tutor is not a good fit?
This is pretty rare, because we know our tutors and usually know who will be a good match. But if we get it wrong, simply tell us. We will assign a new tutor or you can stop tutoring. If you realize after the first hour that it is not a good fit, we will refund your money.
Do the tutors charge for travel time?
No. Our hourly fee includes the tutor’s travel time. (Keep that in mind if you compare our rates to online tutoring!)
Do you have professional liability insurance?
Yes, in the amount of $1 million per claim
Do you offer a referral incentive?
What is your cancellation policy?
You may cancel or reschedule any session with 24-hours notice. We are usually lenient about the 24 hours in cases where your child is sick or there is a family emergency. But we do reserve the right to charge you for very late cancellations, where the tutor may be on their way or shows up to find no-one home. Call your tutor first for any scheduling issues then call us if you cannot reach them.