Make a difference while earning money

We need great tutors throughout metro Atlanta:
- Elementary school children struggling with math or reading
- Middle-schoolers needing a “homework coach” to keep them on track
- High school children needing subject-specific help, including AP courses
- Standardized test prep, especially SAT and ACT but also GED, SSAT and ASVAB
- Children with learning disabilities
- Foreign language
- College students seeking help with writing or other subjects
Why work with In-Home Tutors?
- A wonderful way to supplement your income, helping kids succeed
- Better hourly rate than most of our competitors
- Work as many or as few hours as you want, within a reasonable distance of your work or home
- You do not have to sell your services — we do your marketing for you
- As an independent contractor, not an employee, you can take advantage of tax-saving strategies that maximize your income
- Non-exclusive relationship; you may work with other tutoring agencies
- You’ll be associated with a reputable company that places integrity and professionalism above profits
Tutor Qualifications
With very few exceptions, we require our tutors to have four-year college degrees and to have previous tutoring experience. You should be an expert in the subject you will tutor. You must place a high value on reliability and integrity. And, of course, you need reliable transportation. We will conduct background and reference checks.
Apply now to be an In-Home Tutor!
Apply for a specific job opening or simply select the All Tutors Welcome opening. Once you are in our database, we will consider you for all openings, current and future, that look suited to your skills. Only apply once.
If the application form does not display properly, click here for alternate job listings site.