The Power of Positive Language in Students’ Success

Jan 23, 2023 | Parenting | 0 comments

Children get value from the arts (and tutoring)

A new word for you: self-efficacy, which is what you have when you think “I’ve got this!”

As parents of school-age children, it’s important to understand the role that self-efficacy plays in our children’s academic performance. Self-efficacy is a person’s belief in their ability to successfully complete a task, and research has shown that it has a significant impact on a student’s motivation, learning, and achievement.

One study found that academic self-efficacy was the “most robust predictor” of academic achievement. I layman’s terms, that means that students who believe they can succeed in school are more likely to actually do so.

Your student’s attitude towards an academic assignment can greatly affect their performance. If a student believes they will fail, they are more likely to confirm that expectation. On the other hand, if a student believes they will succeed, they are more likely to do so.

Ask questions to elicit positive responses

So, how can we as parents help our children build self-efficacy? One effective strategy is to ask them positive questions about their school day, such as “What went well in school today?” or “When was a time you felt proud of yourself in school this week?” These types of questions help train their brain to acknowledge their successes and feel more capable.

Another important strategy is to use positive language when talking to your children about their abilities and potential. Instead of focusing on their weaknesses or shortcomings, highlight their strengths and encourage them to believe in their own abilities. Teacher’s tip: focus on effort, not necessarily outcome: “You made a lot of progress on that project in just an hour.” 

By building self-efficacy, we can help our children increase their confidence, motivation, and ultimately, their success in school. And, a reminder to you as a parent, please do not measure their (or your) success by your kids’ grades but also by how they feel about themselves and their abilities.

Complete our contact form or call us at 770-645-8750 for ideas on how we can help your student.


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