Georgia Milestones Study Guides and Information

Jun 30, 2022 | Georgia Milestones | 0 comments

Countdown to the Georgia Milestones












Georgia Milestones Assessments will be administered to all public school children in April-May 2024, with many schools starting on Monday April 29.  Our countdown timer tells you how many days you have to get your child ready!

The tests are designed to assess how well students are performing relative to the educational standards that the state has set for each grade. Third, fifth, and eighth graders especially need to do well or they could be held back.

If you’re concerned about your child’s ability to do well, In-Home Tutors provides private Georgia Milestones tutors to kids throughout the Metro Atlanta area. We tutor middle and high-schoolers taking the end-of-course tests, as well. Fill out our contact form if you’d like a free, no-pressure phone or email consultation.

Table of Contents

About the Georgia Milestone Tests Grades 3-8

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Third Grade

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Fourth Grade

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Fifth Grade

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Sixth Grade

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Seventh Grade

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Eighth Grade

Georgia Milestones High School Practice Tests

About the Georgia Milestones Tests Grades 3-8

Students in Grades 3-8 will take end-of-grade tests on English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. They will test between April and May. Test-takers will be put into the following levels based on how they do: Beginning Learner, Developing Learner, Proficient Learner, and Distinguished Learner.

The tests includes the following types of questions:

  • Multiple-choice: Science and Social Studies questions will all be multiple choice.  There will also be multiple-choice English and Math questions.
  • Constructed-response and extended constructed response: These will test English and Math. Students write out their answers and work out the problems themselves.
  • Extended writing prompts: These short-essay style prompts test English. Sometimes, they ask students to compare two passages.

About the Subjects:

  • English: English will be tested over the course of two days. There are 60 English questions. The first day’s test will include two sections, with 75 minutes per section. The second day’s test will just have one section, with 90 minutes allotted.
  • Math: Math will consist of 73 questions, broken up into two sections. Students will have 85 minutes per section.
  • Science: There will be 75 multiple-choice Science questions, broken up into two sections. Students will have 70 minutes per section.
  • Social Studies: There will also be 75 multiple choice Social Studies questions, broken up into two sections. Students will have 70 minutes per section.

The Georgia Department of Education has provided the following study guides for students in grades 3-8. There is a lot of information to wade through in these guides before you get to the practice questions. Go through the guide yourself and mark the pages with practice questions before sitting down with your child to see how they do. (Note: these are for 2021-22, the latest guides available. The information is unlikely to change for 22-23, but we will update this page when the new guides become available.)

2021-22 Third Grade Assessment Guide

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Fourth Grade

2021-22 Fourth Grade  Assessment Guide

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Fifth Grade

Fifth graders need to pass the English and Math tests in order  to go onto sixth grade.

2021-22 Fifth Grade Assessment Guide

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Sixth Grade

2021-22 Sixth Grade Assessment Guide

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Seventh Grade

2021-22 Seventh Grade Assessment Guide

Georgia Milestones Practice Tests Eighth Grade

Eighth graders need to pass the English and Math tests in order  to go onto ninth grade.

2021-22 Eighth Grade Assessment Guide

Georgia Milestones High School Practice Tests

High school students will take end-of-course tests including for American Literature and Composition​, Coordinate Algebra, Algebra I, Biology and US History. The Georgia Department of Education has provided a few resources at this page.

In-Home Tutors can help prepare your student for any high school end-of-course subject. If you need a Milestones tutor, please contact us at 770-645-8750.


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